Monday, March 31, 2008

new column

Grammaristocracy: 'Ain't''s in the Dictionary, Ain't It?!

My 9th Grade English teacher Mr. Brooks had a deep baritone voice; he walked with a steady purposeful attitude; his smile was as big as could be. Mr. Brooks loved his students with a huge heart. However, he never messed with no sass or trouble or rule-breaking. And he was a stickler for the rules.

Nows, I 'member one time we were having an important debate in class over whether we all could use the word 'ain't'. Now, bein' where I'm from 'ain't' just ain't some random colloquialism. 'Ain't' is a religion. Along with many other twangy, ghetto, run-down, ole-school, country-livin', all-colorful language which makes my people who my people is. (oh... 'whom' my people is, sorry)

Now, Mr. Brooks wasn't havin' none of this debate. He said 'ain't' IS NOT a proper word. I tried to argue with what I thought was the clearly right answer back: "'Ain't''s in the dictionary, ain't it? Well, ain't it?!"

That's when he told me that the dictionary was full of improper words that were often used in conversation but were not proper language for English.

Well, I ain't never had no use for rules. Why cain't we all just get along and be happy with lovin' one another with whos we is and not whos we tryings to be all the time? I never ain't had no use for none of that high and mighty highfalutin' rigamarole with peoples trying to pretend theys better than me or others just cuz the way we talk, or write, or live.

But as I grew up, I have learned that sometimes the rules of grammar are not really there to hurt me. I figured out that the rules can be there to guide me in to being heard and fully understood in the larger world of global communication. This allows us all logically to communicate in one understandable form.

This don't mean I ain't one for bendin' and breakin' a rule a time or two. And rules need to sometimes be broken. But it is important for one to note the setting within which one is-- not to stifle my creativity or independence, but to guarantee further understanding and growth. And if I'm in a setting where 'ain't' is the rule of the conversation, then I ain't gonna be stoppin' myself from lovin' my ain't's. And, well, sometimes, even when I ain't in the right setting I still likes to speak mys mind the ways I likes to do.

We Queers love to break rules. In fact, much of our existence is about breakin' and bendin' over... um, rules. And we ain't wrong to break 'em when they're wrong. We are not wrong to live our lives as we are. We are just as right as anyone else living their lives they way they are. There just have unfortunately been many centuries of anti-Queer laws put on the books by anti-Queer authorities who want to say we're wrong. And the tyranny of the majority has kept our full lives from being part of the rule-making.

However, unlike the tyranny of the grammaristocracy who put together the grammar rules many centuries ago as well; social, political and legal rules are mighty different. Frankly, bendin' our society's conventions are often the only way to live our lives and to be heard and seen.

Now that we are suddenly in the midst of joining in the rule-making by having open-LGBT politicians we are finding new ways to allow for our lives to be lived as they are- through legislation supporting marriage equality and other supportive measures. And we can show how the old imperial rules hurt us, and help those in the majority recognize that we need to be heard as we are, not just through the lens of the majority.

And ain't that they way it should be?

J-man 2

J-man 2, originally uploaded by Reeses World.



J-man, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

what a weekend!!! probably one of the most intense, exciting, crazy, overwhelming political times of my life. and of many others' lifetimes. the politics at the state Democratic Party convention this weekend was wild. my boss and our crew supporting him were amazing! and his opponent, who had pulled out all of the stops, all the might of incumbency (behind and in front of the scenes) that could be mustered (and they were formidable), were beaten back by our little ragtag team of supporters who worked the halls of the convention like nobody's business.

and in the end, when we were able to take the vote to the full floor of the convention (instead of just within the small local process that was so heavily tied to old-time party bosses) and bring it before the full delegation of Democrats from throughout the state, we prevailed overwhelmingly. i'm exhausted and exhilarated and overwhelmed. but this is a day to remember and rejoice for many many years to come. here's a story or two that give some sort of synopsis of what happened. i'm sure there will be more to come:
here, here, here, here, and here

We won!!!

We won!!!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

Bill Clinton speaking at ca dem convention


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Leno troups

Leno troups, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


More democracy in action

More democracy in action, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Democracy in action

Democracy in action, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Democracy in action

Democracy in action, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Enjoying the sun

Enjoying the sun, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Sunday, March 16, 2008


why is it everytime i'm in a store people assume i work there?

do i look the part of an employee? this is all particularly true when i'm in a music store. maybe because i shop on my own usually, i guess. or maybe i just look like i'm involved somehow. i'm not sure. but i swear, it happens to me all the time.

today, while at amoeba records in the haight, i was approached not once, not twice, not three times, but four times during the time i was there with someone trying to ask me a question. why does this always happen? do i have an employee look? just wondering...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

another new awesome TV ad for my boss

Gotta love living in SF

Gotta love living in SF, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Crissy field center

Crissy field center, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

EcoCareer day for high school students

Wading in crissy field marshes

High school students learning about the environment

Friday, March 14, 2008

first tv ad for my awesome boss in the senate election. love it!

Me: "I'm getting really excited about visiting Cambodia on my vacation."
Colleague: "The war-torn areas could be difficult."
Me: "Oh, I'm not interested in the war-torn recent history. I want to see the ancient stuff."
Colleague: "Don't you think there's value in seeing the war-torn history?"
Me: "I'm not going on vacation for value!"

Politics enters the library? I was there that day for the library opening. Watch the video clip:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Leno for senate!

Leno for senate!, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Secret Service ya'll

Monday, March 10, 2008

It was a remarkable repudiation of Republican status quo, showing that voters all across America are eager for change- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Sunday, March 09, 2008

High above sf

High above sf, originally uploaded by Reeses World.

I love living in sf

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Emile's dressing room for 'Cleve' in 'Milk'


Sunday, March 02, 2008


Ken, originally uploaded by Reeses World.



Ken, originally uploaded by Reeses World.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

new newsletter is up